As a former athlete, then building designer, now an artist, Milay gradually realizes her dream in arts with her humor and charm. Taiwanese indigenous costumes vary in styles and colors with distinctive totems.
At age 25, Milay was determined to fly to Japan to study design at Tokyo Designer Gakuin College. "I feel a little bit guilty that I only started to learn about Taiwan indigenous peoples when I was in Japan," Milay said while laughing. Milay started to look for articles about her hometown; however, she did not have enough money to buy books. And the first article about Taiwan she was able to get was the free publication in a subway station provided for tourists. Interestingly, she learned about Taiwan in the eyes of Japanese.
After leaving her job as a building designer, Milay turned to create arts and she unexpectedly felt inner calm when making creations. Speaking of the differences between commercial design and art creation, Milay said that customers' opinions are essential, which are "commodities" base on the needs and budget of customers; and artistic creation reflects my state of life and ideas. Therefore, in art, I can find my true self and make a truly "happy" creation.